Mars et avril un point tournant dans le rebond post-crise ?

Publié le 12/05/2011 à 14:03

Mars et avril un point tournant dans le rebond post-crise ?

Publié le 12/05/2011 à 14:03

Par Paul Dontigny Jr

Commentaire de David Rosenberg de ce matin :

Market Musings & Data Deciphering

Breakfast with Dave: Market & Data Musings

May 12, 2011

• While you were sleeping: It’s still far too early to tell, but we may look back at the March-April period as showing the first cracks in this last leg of the post-credit collapse rally; portfolio managers are in the process of becoming more defensive; we had a significant negative reversal in equities and commodities yesterday that should not go unnoticed

• Houston … I’ve been in the business 25 years and I have to say that when bank stocks and bond yields are going down in tandem it has not been a development that foreshadowed anything much good down the road

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